Tea For Anxiety And Stress

Are you suffering from stress and anxiety? Drinking tea for anxiety is an easy and delicious way to help you relax.

Anxiety can cause you to feel sick, dizzy, giving you a constant feeling of dread, and drain you making you feel tired and exhausted.

One thing to always remember is what works for one person may not work for you. Finding the right herbal blend or herbal tea may take some time as you find which works best for you.

Some teas are better used in conjunction with routine therapy, and some teas can help you relax and take off the edge of stress.

It would be best if you talked with your doctor before starting any regimen and adding tea to your daily routine.

Before Drinking Tea For Anxiety

Drinking Tea For Anxiety

Why Drink Tea?

  1. Tea is an excellent replacement for coffee. Coffee has a lot of caffeine and can make you jittery and increase your anxiety symptoms. Teas have a much lower concentration of caffeine but still helps wake you up in the morning.
  2. Tea is very relaxing, especially at night, while reading or watching a tv show.  
  3. Tea has many calming benefits, especially when you are stressed and anxious. The herbs in tea help calm your nerves.

The Best Tea For Anxiety

There are many different teas available with all types of flavors. Finding the right one for you takes a little time as you need to try each tea to see which you prefer. Here is a list of the best tea for anxiety.

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Chamomile Tea

A favorite tea for many people with anxiety is chamomile tea. It’s a powerhouse. Naturally, low on caffeine and has great relaxing benefits.

study in 2016 found long term use of chamomile tea significantly reduced symptoms caused by (GAD) generalized anxiety disorder.

Research has also found chamomile tea binds with the GABA receptors in the brain. This popular herbal tea has similar effects of the medication Xanax as it also targets the same nervous system receptor.

Chamomile tea helps with calming your mind and helps with insomnia. Drink either at night before bed or during the day if you feel anxious or nervous.

Preparing Chamomile Tea For Anxiety

Dry chamomile – For 8 ounces of boiling water, add 3-4 tablespoons of chamomile. Steep for five to ten minutes and enjoy it.

Fresh chamomile – Boil water in a pot and infuse chamomile for about three minutes. Be sure to strain the tea before consuming it.

Green Tea

Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants and polyphenols and is prized for its health benefits.  

Studies show green tea helps improve weight loss and high blood pressure. Green tea calms your nerves and benefits as an anti-anxiety remedy.

Green tea has lots of L-theanine, which might reduce anxiety and has a direct effect on the brain. A study shows L-theanine increases the alpha wave activity in the brain, meaning it can help you relax without becoming tired and sleepy.

Preparing Green Tea For Anxiety

The best way to brew green tea is not with boiling water. When you make green tea with boiling water, it can have a bitter taste to the drink.

Preparing your water to the proper temperature between 150 to 170 degrees Fahrenheit is optimal.

Dry leaves – Take one cup of water and add half a tablespoon of powdered leaves. Let the leaves settle to the bottom and then strain before drinking.

Teabag – Take one cup of water and place in your teabag. Let steep for one to three minutes. Drink and enjoy!

Passionflower Tea

Passionflower is used to treat insomnia and improve sleep quality. A study in 2017, researchers found passionflower to help calm symptoms of anxiety just as much as using medication.

Passionflower is an herb native to southeast North America traditionally used for treating mental ailments.

The anti-anxiety benefits in passionflower are due to flavone chrysin contained in the herb and help calm your nervousness.

Children under six months and pregnant women should avoid using passionflower along with people using certain medications.

Preparing Passionflower Tea For Anxiety

For every eight ounces of water, add one teaspoon of dried passionflower pedals. Steep in boiling water for five to ten minutes. You can drink your tea throughout the day to help with stress or to calm yourself before bed.

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Rose Tea

Rose tea has many health benefits as well as helping curb stress and anxiety.  

This tea has calming abilities and is excellent to drink before going to bed as the tea will help you relax.

Rose tea is made from using rose petals to make an herbal tisane. The taste is mildly sweet and has a delicate floral flavor.

Researchers believe that rose tea puts you into a relaxation state because of the flavonoids it contains. Flavonoids target the production of the stress hormone cortisol.

Preparing Rose Tea For Anxiety

Boil eight ounces of water, adding a large tablespoon of dried rose petals. Simmer for five to seven minutes and then strain using a mesh strainer.

You can sweeten your tea, even more, using your favorite sweetener.

Lemon Balm Tea

Lemon balm is widely used to treat insomnia and symptoms of anxiety and depression.  Research suggests it boosts GABA in the brain, a neurotransmitter that calms stress.

It also helps reduce the effects of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is responsible for heightened awareness during stressful times but also makes you very anxious.

Lemon balm is part of the mint family and has a slight hint of mint along with its lemony flavor.

How To Brew Lemon Balm Tea For Anxiety

For every cup of boiling water, use two tablespoons of dried leaves or one tablespoon of fresh lemon balm leaves.

Steep for five to ten minutes for full flavor, then strain before drinking. 

Lemon balm tea does not make you drowsy, so you can drink it throughout your day to calm jittery nerves.

Lavender Tea

Most people think lavender is just an essential oil that you smell to calm your anxiety.  

It has a very pleasing scent that does calm you down, but you can also drink lavender.

Lavender is prized for its anti-anxiety calming properties and is the number one herb used for anxiety as it slows down the production of cortisol.

study by researchers found Silexam an oil found in lavender, proved effective in calming anxiety versus a placebo. It’s also noted the oil helped with sleep quality and overall mental health.

Preparing Lavender Tea For Anxiety

For every eight ounces of hot water, add two teaspoons of lavender flowers. Steep for about ten minutes.

You can drink lavender tea throughout the day or an hour before bedtime to help you relax and sleep better.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint is a hybrid plant, which is derived from watermint and spearmint.  

This plant can be brewed as a tea and research suggest it boosts mood through its refreshing aroma and mint flavor. Traditional medicine practitioners and Yogis use the herb to promote relaxation.

Brewing Peppermint Tea For Anxiety

For every cup of boiling water, add one teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves or two teaspoons of fresh leaves.

Steep for three to five minutes and then strain before drinking.

You can drink peppermint tea in the morning for an energizing mood boost and continue to drink throughout the day to lift your moods as needed.

Valerian Root Tea

Commonly used to treat insomnia, valerian root can also be used for calming symptoms of anxiety and other sleep disorders.

Although research is mixed on the subject, it may be worth a try.

Drinking this tea can help calm nerves allowing you to fall asleep.  

How To Brew Valerian Tea For Anxiety

Bring water to a boil adding a teaspoon of dried valerian root. Steep for ten minutes, depending on how strong you want your tea. The flavor will be stronger if you allow it to steep for a more extended period.

Drink the tea an hour before bedtime.

Drink Tea To Relax From Anxiety

Millions of Americans suffer from panic attacks and anxiety symptoms each year and drinking tea can help you relax. Most teas have a calming effect and can lower your blood pressure and heart rate.

Using herbal tea or supplements should never be used for a prescribed treatment. Always talk to your doctor before drinking certain herbal teas as some are not safe while pregnant. Some teas my make you feel uncomfortable consumed in large amounts or interact with prescription or over-the-counter medication.

tea for anxiety

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