19 Ways To Stop Overthinking And Reduce Anxiety

Are you overthinking and anxious?

How can you stop overthinking anxiety? 

Overthinking can be debilitating; it will disturb your sleep, cause problems at work, and ruin social events. 

Chronic overthinking comes with all the physical symptoms of anxiety. 

Overthinking will leave you mentally exhausted, distressed, and physically drained and may lead to other mental health conditions. 

At this point, you are looking to find a way to relieve your discomfort, start living life, and be happy again.

It’s important to know that you can stop overthinking; you must learn how.

From my personal life experiences battling anxiety and overthinking, and past mistakes, I wanted to share an expert-approved approach to calming your mind and stopping overthinking anxiety and destructive thought patterns. 

how to stop overthinking

How To Stop Overthinking

Going through this post and putting what you’ve learned into action will help you find out how to stop overthinking.

Why Does Overthinking Happen?

We all overthink sometimes, but some people do it more than others, and this can be a chronic condition and turn into an anxiety disorder.

If you don’t have a history of mental health difficulties but might be a “problem solver,” you may be prone to overthinking.

A situation comes up that bothers you, and it just won’t leave your head. 

You keep thinking about it.

These thoughts in your head are repeated over and over.

Often people need clarification and think overthinking is problem-solving. 

In reality, it’s become an endless replay in your head, not solving anything.

We feel vulnerable about our future and try to think of a way to solve the problem in our heads.

Put it this way; you fight with your spouse. After you start worrying and your thoughts keep looping like this:

What if they no longer love me? What if they find someone else? Do they have someone else? Who are they texting?

Related: Drinking Tea To Calm Anxiety

Is Overthinking Dangerous?

Research findings show that dwelling on your mistakes or shortcomings can increase your mental health problems.

As your mental health declines, you begin to ruminate, which leads to an endless cycle of overthinking.

Overthinking can lead to acute emotional distress and increase your risk of mental health problems.

Many overthinkers drink alcohol or eat food to help with their symptoms.

Overthinking can also lead to sleepless nights and insomnia. 

Not getting enough rest can drain you and cause other mental health or physical-related side effects.


Catastrophizing is when you think the worst-case scenario will happen in any given situation that comes up.

Catastrophizing is different from simply worrying about something because you focus more on the negative outcome instead of thinking through multiple possible solutions to a problem.

Catastrophizing example: You make a mistake at work, and you start thinking:

I’m going to get fired now. I won’t be able to find another job. I will always be unsuccessful.

Am I Overthinking?

If you’re overthinking, you already know it. Here are four signs that suggest you are overthinking:

You’re No Always Present Around Others

When you overthink, you are always in your head and not emotionally present with others.

You can make others feel like you’re not interested because you’re focusing on your thoughts.

Eventually, this can be detrimental to a relationship.

Anxiety Holds You Back

If you’re having a hard time going out and your anxiety is holding you back from moving forward in your life, you are overthinking.

Thoughts in your head could be “What if?” and “This will go wrong.”

You Ruminate

Going over and over the same situation or thought in your head is called ruminating.

Something that happened last night or last week, the thought is on constant replay—looking for some way to solve the problem.

Not Sleeping

If you have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep, the cause could be you’re overthinking.

Not sleeping can lead to anger, lousy concentration, and being more emotional.

This can lead to hurting your relationships.

Related Post: Handling Your Negative Thoughts The Positive Way

Patterns Of Overthinking

Overthinking is a thought process that wastes time, causes poor-quality decisions, and results in inaction. These are the patterns associated with overthinking:

  • Cold Logic
  • Complexity
  • Premature Decisions
  • Avoidance
  • Abstractions
  • Intuition Neglect
  • Neglecting Speed
  • Ambiguity Aversion
  • Over Optimization
  • Irrelevant Decisions
  • Fear of Failure
  • Lack Of Principles
  • Creating Problems
  • Analysis Paralysis
  • Big Thinking

Simple Ways To Stop Overthinking Anxiety

A negative mindset and intrusive thoughts can hurt your overall well-being, and it’s a vicious cycle that continues over and over again. 

The adverse effects can lead to mental illness and possible anxiety disorders.

Below I’ve listed 18 ways of how to stop overthinking for long periods, and hopefully, it helps you to stop dwelling on the wrong things and eliminate your negative emotions.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

A type of therapy called CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy is especially useful in treating anxiety and the way you think.

CBT exercises for anxiety will teach you different ways of behaving, thinking, and reacting to situations and help you become less anxious and worried.

Change Your Viewpoint

It’s human nature to think negative thoughts and make the situation seem worse than it is. 

Take the time to see if your thoughts may be exaggeratedly negative.

If you are sick, before concluding that you will get fired for calling out, for example, realize your thoughts may be exaggerated.

Did your significant other send a text, “I’m fine”? Why didn’t they write an exclamation point? Put things into perspective, over-thinkers commonly obsess over text messages, even down to the punctuation.

Ask yourself, how much will this matter in three years? Or even six months from now. 

Change the time frame, and this simple question can help stop overthinking.

Be Aware Of Your Overthinking

When you start doubting yourself or feeling stressed out, anxious thoughts and nervousness begin to take over; check yourself and take a step back. You are overthinking again.

You need to be aware of when overthinking is happening. This takes time to realize, but once you learn to be aware, you will be able to change your thought pattern, redirect them, and begin to train your mind to think positively.

Perfection Will Never Come

Things will never be perfect, and once you realize perfection will never come, you will be less stressed.

Desiring success and being determined and ambitious is a great way to live life, but expecting everything to be perfect is not practical. 

Remember, making progress through life’s tasks is better than being perfect because perfect will never come.

Think Of What Can Go Right, Instead Of What Could Go Wrong

We often tend to think about everything that can go wrong. 

Our thoughts turn negative, and the situation looks worse than it is.

Look for the positives and what could go right. Envision all the good things that could happen and keep those thoughts in your mind.

Use Positive Affirmations For Anxiety

What are affirmations? Everything we tell ourselves, either out-loud or in thought, is an affirmation.

Our (RAS), or Reticular Activating System, is part of our brain that makes words that are repeated over and over our identity, negative or positive.

Our subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between yes and now or the past and future; it only understands the here and now.

If you constantly tell yourself negative things, you will think you are never good enough.

It’s vital to switch these thoughts to positive thinking. Here are some ways to think of positive affirmations:

“I will be happy; I am more than my negative thoughts.”

“I have the power to control what I think about. I will think positive thoughts.”

“I believe in, trust, and have confidence in myself.”

“I know I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.”

Take Time To Reflect

Brief thinking and reflection are perfectly normal and healthy, but worrying about a problem for an extended period is exhausting and pointless.

Make time every day for 15-20 minutes to allow yourself to reflect. This will be your “thinking time” and is the only time you allow yourself to worry and ruminate on whatever is bothering you.

After you finish your thinking time, find something beneficial to you and your life. 

If, at some point throughout your day, you notice yourself overthinking, remember, and point out that you have time to think about this later on.

Practice Mindfulness

Learn how to be mindful. Mindfulness exercises for anxiety will help bring you back to the present moment and stop overthinking anxiety.

Being mindful takes practice, and it is impossible to worry about tomorrow or what happened yesterday when you are in the present moment.

Once you learn to be mindful, practice the exercises daily to stay focused on the present. 

You’ll learn how your body feels and how to breathe correctly to alleviate anxiety and control your thoughts as they race through your mind.

Accept Your Best

Learn to acknowledge yourself and accept who you are, the good, and what needs improvement. Be honest with yourself and realize that no one is perfect, and we all make mistakes.

The best you can do is try your hardest and keep improving. Don’t criticize, and be hard on yourself. Take time to accept who you are. Self-acceptance is hard for all of us, and acceptance begins with a state of mind.

Be Thankful

Make a list of the things you are thankful for. Make this list every day, morning and then at night.

Find someone willing to share this activity with you, they can make their list, and you both can share and hold each other accountable for creating your “Thankful Lists.”

Distract Yourself

Find ways to distract your overthinking mind. Find fun things you like to do and enjoy doing. Here are some fun things you can try:

  • Running
  • Walking
  • Exercising
  • Dancing
  • Meditation
  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Fishing
  • Hiking
  • Knitting

Surround Yourself With Positive People

When you are in the company of those who are upbeat and supportive, it’s easier to focus on the positive aspects of your life and dismiss negative thoughts.

Talking to someone who is understanding can also provide a different perspective on whatever issue is causing excessive worry.

If this isn’t possible, writing down your worries in a journal or even yourself can help put them in perspective and provide a more constructive way of managing the problem.

It’s also essential to stay away from people who are negative or critical, as this might only reinforce your overthinking patterns.

Get Enough Sleep

When you’re overthinking, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and exhausted. 

Making sure you get enough sleep helps to restore your mental energy and can help reduce stress levels.

Getting enough sleep is one of the most critical steps in overcoming overthinking and managing anxious thoughts.

Getting the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep per night can be difficult, but it’s essential for maintaining healthy brain function and decreasing anxiety symptoms.

When we don’t get enough rest, our brains cannot process and healthily deal with stress, leading to more overthinking. 

Therefore, taking the time to establish an effective sleep routine is key to reframing your thought patterns.

Take Technology Breaks

In this age of constant connection, it can be hard to take a break from smartphones or computers that are always within reach.

Technology can be a significant distraction and cause us to become overwhelmed by an endless stream of information.

Taking regular breaks from technology will create more space for positive thoughts and emotions to come into focus.

It may also give you the perspective that you need to find solutions to whatever is causing excessive worry.

Engage In Calming Activities

Creating a daily routine of relaxation techniques helps prevent overthinking by providing the opportunity to regain control and focus on something positive.

Activities such as yoga, meditation, music, or even walking can be incredibly soothing and help create an environment that allows you to gain better insight into your thoughts.

These activities can help restore balance and relieve the stress that often accompanies overthinking.

By embracing these practices, you can constructively manage your thinking and stop the cycle of overthinking.

Identify Overthinking Triggers

Awareness of the situations that lead to overthinking can help manage this habit.

If you find yourself engaging in excessive worrying, take a step back and think about what is happening in the moment.

By understanding what causes your overthinking and being able to identify specific triggers, you can begin taking steps to better cope with them.

For instance, if you notice that a particular social situation tends to bring about anxious thoughts, try to find ways of dealing with the underlying issue causing the problem.

By recognizing your triggers and actively working on them, you can reduce overthinking and create an environment conducive to positive thinking.

Limit Alcohol, Caffeine, And Sugar Intake

Alcohol, caffeine, and sugar can all impact your mental well-being and exacerbate overthinking.

These substances interfere with the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood. When these levels are low, it can increase feelings of anxiety and lead to excessive worrying.

Therefore, it’s essential to keep an eye on your intake of these substances and ensure you consume only a little.

By limiting alcohol, caffeine, and sugar, you will be better able to manage feelings of stress and anxiety which can lead to excessive worrying.

These steps should help improve mental clarity and provide a pathway toward a healthier relationship with yourself and your thoughts.

By being mindful of the activities, substances, and situations that lead to overthinking, you can create an environment that encourages healthy thinking patterns and reduces stress levels. With a little effort and dedication, you can start taking control of your thoughts and find greater peace within yourself.


Meditation is an effective way to manage stress and anxiety and can help reduce overthinking.

Focusing on the present moment can create distance between yourself and your thoughts. 

This will enable you to better assess the situation without being overwhelmed.

It also helps to reframe negative thoughts and encourages you to find solutions.

Meditation can be done anywhere and only requires a few minutes out of your day. It’s an excellent way to reduce stress and create a positive mindset that will help you stop overthinking.

Recognize automatic negative thoughts (ANTS)

It’s possible to recognize patterns and learn how to respond differently.

One way of doing this is by recognizing automatic negative thoughts (ANTS). These are recurring thought patterns that can lead to feelings of anxiety.

By understanding how these thoughts manifest, you can better equip yourself to manage them more effectively.

Listen To Music

Music can be a great way to take your mind off the worrying thoughts accompanying overthinking.

Whether you listen to calming, atmospheric music or upbeat songs that make you want to dance, it can help draw your attention away from anxious thoughts and relax your mind.

Try making yourself a playlist of songs that make you feel good and use it to help distract yourself from overthinking when it becomes overwhelming.

You can also listen to podcasts, audiobooks, or guided meditations that focus on calming the mind and allowing you to clear your thoughts.

Final Overthinking Thoughts

Overthinking can happen to anyone, but you can improve your thinking and life with organization, structure, patience, and a little practice.

Give yourself some time, and you will be able to reduce anxiety, negative thoughts, anxious feelings, reduce stressful feelings and start feeling empowered, useful

productive, and enjoy life again.

By following these tips, you can gain control over your thoughts and cultivate a calmer, more balanced mindset.

With patience and dedication, you can break the cycle of overthinking and create a more peaceful way of living. I wish you all the best!

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