Overcoming Self-Doubt: 19 Proven Ways to Become More Confident

overcome self doubt

Do you ever feel your self-doubt is holding you back from achieving your goals?

You’re not alone. Self-doubt can be incredibly debilitating and prevent us from taking risks and trying new things.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

There are plenty of ways to overcome self-doubt to become more confident in ourselves and our abilities.

❤️🔥➡️Join me in my Complete Guide To Self-Esteem Course – I’ll hand you a self-esteem-boosting set of tips and abilities, actions, best practices and more.

We’ll explore 19 proven methods for gaining control over our thoughts and becoming the confident person you want to be!

We’ll look at developing a positive attitude, setting realistic goals, creating daily rituals, practicing mindfulness techniques, and more.

So if you’re ready to take charge of your life and raise your self-confidence, let’s get started!

What Causes Self-Doubt and How It Can Hold Us Back

Before we jump into our 19 tips for overcoming self-doubt, let’s first define it and why it can be detrimental to our success.

Self-doubt is the feeling of insecurity or unworthiness that often results from a lack of confidence in one’s abilities or self-image.

It can cause us to question our decisions, doubt our capabilities, and procrastinate on taking action.

This can lead to us avoiding risks and opportunities that could bring us closer to achieving our goals, which keeps us stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and low self-esteem.

Past Experiences

One of the leading causes of self-doubt is our past experiences.

If we have gone through difficult times in the past, such as losing a job or failing at something, this can lead to us feeling unworthy and inadequate.

It’s important to remember that these are just one-off experiences, and they don’t define who we are.

Negative Thinking

Negative thinking can also be a significant contributor to self-doubt.

We become our worst enemies by constantly telling ourselves that we’re not good enough or that we can’t do something.

The key is to recognize these negative thoughts for what they are and to replace them with more positive ones.

Narcissistic Parents

Our parents can also play a role in our self-doubt.

If narcissists raised us, for example, we might have been told that nothing we do is ever good enough or that we can’t achieve anything on our own.

These messages can stay with us into adulthood, and overcoming them is crucial if we want to become more confident in ourselves.

Fear Of Failure

The fear of failure can be a cause of self-doubt.

We may worry that if we try something and it fails, it will mean we are also a failure.

But the truth is failure is an inevitable part of life, and accepting it can help us become more confident.

Fear Of Success

Believe it or not, the fear of success can lead to self-doubt.

We may worry that if we achieve something, it will come with a lot of unwanted attention and scrutiny or that we won’t be able to handle the increased responsibility.

But learning to accept success is critical in helping us overcome our doubts and take on more challenging tasks.

Types Of Self-Doubt

There are many types of self-doubt, and it’s essential to be aware of them to overcome them.

Some common forms of self-doubt:

  • Fear of making mistakes
  • Fear of not being good enough
  • Fear of failure or success
  • Fear of rejection
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Perfectionism
  • Low self-esteem.

What Is Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is a feeling of uncertainty or lack of confidence in yourself. It can lead to feelings of inadequacy and prevent us from taking risks and trying new things.

When we experience self-doubt, our inner dialogue may become negative or pessimistic. We may not be good enough or capable of achieving our goals.

Fortunately, self-doubt doesn’t have to be a permanent obstacle.

19 Ways To Become More Confident

There are several strategies and techniques that can help us become more confident in ourselves and our abilities, so let’s take a look at some of them now!

self doubt positive vibes

Develop a Positive Attitude

The first step in overcoming self-doubt is to develop a positive attitude. 

This means knocking out negative thinking and replacing it with an optimistic outlook.

When you have negative thoughts, try to counter them with something more productive or encouraging.

For example, if you feel like you can’t do something, try telling yourself that you can and will succeed.

You could also focus on the things you are good at or accomplishments you have achieved in the past.

This will help to build your confidence and give you a more positive outlook on life.

Set Realistic Goals

Another way to overcome self-doubt is to set realistic goals.

Don’t take on too much at once or push yourself too hard.

Start by setting small, achievable goals that you can complete in a short amount of time.

As you start to accomplish them, your confidence will grow, and it will become easier to set and achieve larger goals.

Creating Daily Rituals

Creating daily rituals or routines can also be an effective way to manage self-doubt.

A regular routine will help keep you focused, organized, and in control of your thoughts.

Set aside time each day for activities that bring you joy and make you feel relaxed and calm.

This could include things like yoga, meditation, or journaling.

These activities can help to reduce stress and clear your mind of negative thoughts so that you can focus on the positive aspects of yourself.


Practicing Mindfulness Techniques to Stay Present in the Moment

In addition to creating daily rituals, practicing mindfulness techniques can help you eliminate self-doubt.

Mindfulness involves focusing on the present moment and your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment or reaction.

By taking a few moments each day to be mindful, you can better recognize any negative thoughts or beliefs about yourself that may be getting in the way of achieving your goals.

You can then take action to counter these thoughts and create more positive ones that will help you move forward.

Taking Time Out For Yourself To Recharge and Refresh Your Mindset

Taking time out for yourself is essential when it comes to overcoming self-doubt.

Allow yourself some time each day to do something you enjoy which makes you feel happy and energized.

This could be anything from reading a book, going for a walk in nature, watching a movie, or simply listening to music.

By taking a break from your day-to-day life and doing something that you enjoy, you can step back and reassess any negative thoughts or feelings that keep you stuck in a cycle of self-doubt.

connect with friends

Connecting With Others Who Inspire You To Be Better

Connecting with others who can be a source of inspiration and support is key to overcoming self-doubt.

Surround yourself with people that empower you to move forward and believe in your capabilities.

This could be friends, family members, co-workers, mentors, or anyone else who encourages and inspires you.

By being surrounded by these positive influences, you can gain the confidence to tackle any obstacle that comes your way and reach for success.

Challenging Your Comfort Zone by Trying New Things Regularly

Challenging your comfort zone and trying new things regularly can also go a long way in helping you overcome self-doubt.

This could mean taking on a new project or hobby, signing up for classes to learn something new, or even talking with different people in different situations.

By stepping outside your comfort zone, you can better understand yourself and your capabilities.

You may even surprise yourself with the things that you are capable of!

Focusing on the Process Instead of Fixating on Results

Focus on the process rather than fixating on results.

When you overcome self-doubt, you will realize that success is a journey, not a destination.

Focus on enjoying and celebrating each step of the way, no matter how small they may be.

By doing so, you can have more faith in your journey and stay motivated even when things don’t always go as planned.

Learning From Mistakes Rather Than Dwelling On Them

Learning from mistakes is essential when it comes to overcoming self-doubt.

It’s important to remember that everyone makes mistakes, and that’s ok if you take the time to reflect on them and use them as a lesson for your future.

Acknowledging failures or mistakes can help you become a better version of yourself and overcome any doubts that may be holding you back.

Remember, with the right mindset, anything is possible!

Letting Go of Perfectionism and Acceptance That We’re All Imperfect

Letting go of perfectionism means that it is ok to make mistakes.

We should not always try to be perfect because nobody is perfect. 

It is important to accept that everyone has flaws and mistakes, so it’s ok if we make some too.

By accepting our imperfections and flaws, we can overcome our doubts about ourselves.

We must learn to be kinder to ourselves, forgive our mistakes, and keep going forward.

Taking Control of Your Life and Reaching Your Goals

One of the most important steps to overcoming self-doubt and achieving success is taking control of your life.

You must take personal responsibility for reaching your goals and be willing to make needed changes to overcome obstacles.

To start, set realistic goals that you can realistically achieve. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks, and set your deadlines.

Plan out each step of the process and ensure that you are taking consistent action toward achieving your goal.

When things get tough, stay focused on your goal and remember why you are taking action in the first place.

Staying Motivated With Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk

Staying motivated and believing in yourself is key to overcoming self-doubt.

Daily affirmations can be a great way to stay positive and motivated and overcome doubts about your abilities.

Take time each day to repeat affirmations that remind you of your strengths, capabilities, and worth.

Positive self-talk is also a great way to overcome any doubts that come up.

Setbacks Are Temporary

Remember that setbacks are temporary and happen to everyone, even successful people.

It’s a part of living life; sometimes things are good, and sometimes we have setbacks.

People Don’t Care About What You Do Or Say

As much as you think, it’s important to remember that people don’t care as much about what you do or say as you think they do.

When you worry about what people are thinking about you, it leads to in-action and fears, increasing your levels of self-doubt.

Most people are doing their own thing, worried about their own lives, such as their jobs, kids, sports, and whatever else is happening in their lives.

Focus on your journey and progress rather than worrying too much about the opinions of others.

Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

You’re unique and have your own gifts, so don’t worry about how other people are doing or how their lives look compared to yours.

Focus on what makes you, you, and be proud of your accomplishments, no matter how big or small they may be.

Start A Journal

Start a journal to help overcome self-doubt.

This can be used as an outlet to express your feelings, document the progress you are making, and celebrate the small wins along the way.

Take time each day to write down what you’re grateful for, what makes you happy, and how you feel in the moment.

It is a great way to stay focused on what matters most and overcome any self-doubt that may be holding you back.

limit social media self doubt

Limit Social Media

Limiting your time spent on social media is important to overcoming self-doubt and achieving success. 

Social media can be an easy source of comparison and distraction from reaching our goals.

Taking a break from checking notifications, scrolling through newsfeeds, or engaging in constant conversations can help us focus on what is important and be more productive.

By limiting our time on social media, we can focus on the things that matter most in life.

Additionally, being mindful of what we post and read online can help us create a healthier relationship with technology and avoid any negative.

You’re Your Biggest Inner Critic

You’re your biggest inner critic and can often be the biggest obstacle to achieving your goals.

It can be easy to get overwhelmed by negative thoughts, but it’s important to remember that these thoughts are often our own self-doubt speaking rather than reality.

It’s essential to challenge our inner critic and take time to recognize where we are in life and what we have accomplished.

Remind yourself regularly that you can achieve anything you set your mind to, and be patient with yourself, as it may take time to overcome any obstacles or fears that come up along the way.

Focus on your successes rather than comparing them to others, and celebrate every milestone, no matter how big or small.


Therapy can be a great way to overcome self-doubt and create a healthier mindset.

Talking to a therapist can help you become more aware of the thoughts and feelings contributing to your self-doubt.

A therapist can provide an unbiased view so that you can gain some clarity and perspective on your situation.

Getting therapy allows you to have an outlet to express yourself more freely and helps you overcome any fears or worries that may be holding you back.

With the help of a therapist, it’s possible to overcome self-doubt, gain confidence in our abilities, and focus on improving our lives.

Take Away

Whether setting realistic goals, taking time out for yourself, taking consistent action, believing in yourself, and staying persistent, you will be well on your way to achieving your goals and becoming the confident person you want to be.

With a positive attitude, realistic goals, daily rituals, and mindfulness techniques, you can start to gain control over your thoughts and break free from self-doubt.

With these strategies, you can succeed and reach any goals you want!

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