Stop Seeking Others Approval and Start Trusting Yourself

Do you constantly need to validate your actions and decisions based on other people’s approval? 

Do you stop yourself from doing something because you’re waiting for their green light?

Well, you’re at the right place because, in this video, we’ll discuss how you don’t need anyone’s approval to feel good about yourself.

We must understand that basing our actions on other people’s approval can seriously harm our self-esteem and confidence.

Seeking approval isn’t a personal trait. 

It’s an inherent part of being human; our brains are wired to do so.

During ancient times, being isolated from your tribe could mean the end of your life, so our brains learned to avoid disapproval and rejection at all costs.

We don’t face such extreme threats today, but this fear of rejection still lingers in our subconscious minds.

Our upbringing and environment also contribute to this approval-seeking behavior.

As we grow older, we continue to seek approval, hoping to receive the same validation we desired from our parents.

Especially if you have low self-esteem, you might value others’ opinions more than your own because you don’t trust yourself enough.

If this sounds familiar, ask yourself: Do I perceive myself as unworthy or insufficient?

Here’s the good news, you can flip this thought process, gain confidence, and build higher self-esteem. 

When you do, you’ll stop worrying so much about what others think.

I want to share with you five ways you can stop seeking approval from others:

Identify Why You’re Seeking Approval

To begin, you must recognize why you seek approval. 

Once you understand your motives, it becomes easier to change the behavior. 

Reflect on your past and childhood experiences. Were you constantly seeking approval at school? 

When you feel the need to seek approval, ask yourself: Why don’t I trust myself? What do I think about this situation?

Embrace Self-Care and Self-Love

Start by treating yourself kindly and replacing negative habits with positive ones. 

Understand that you don’t need anyone’s approval to feel good about yourself. 

Schedule some “me time” regularly and indulge in activities you enjoy. 

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Comparing yourself to others damages your self-esteem. 

Accept yourself as you are in the present moment. Everyone is unique, and we all have our challenges. 

Embrace your journey and strive to be the best version of yourself.

Replace The Negative Voice In Your Head

We tend to be our harshest critics. 

Your negative self-talk can slowly erode your confidence. 

The next time you catch yourself thinking negatively, replace those thoughts with positive affirmations.

Take A Social Media Break

Social media fuels the need for approval and comparison. 

Limit your social media use and instead focus on living your life to the fullest. 

Start Trusting Yourself

As you build your self-confidence and trust in your abilities, you’ll find that you no longer need to seek others’ approval. 

The only person whose approval matters is yours. 

Trust in yourself and your decisions. 

This process will gradually boost your self-confidence, and you’ll no longer need to rely on others for approval.

I hope this video has been helpful, so please like this video, and remember to subscribe for more content on personal growth and life transformation.

Check out the links in the description and drop a comment, as I’d love to hear from you.

Thanks for watching, everyone. Remember, you are unique and amazing, and I encourage you to live life to the fullest.

I believe in you, and I want you to believe in yourself.

Stay positive, friends.

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