Learned Helplessness – How To Take Back Control

Learned helplessness is just as it sounds, and it’s when you feel helpless and powerless, which is learned over time.

If you’ve ever felt trapped in your own life, feeling unable to change your circumstances, emotions, thoughts, or outcomes, you’ve encountered this. 

It does not reflect your true self or who you are but what you’ve learned.

So today, we’ll explore, and I’ll talk about what learned helplessness is and what it can look like, why it happens, and then what we can do to get unstuck from this mindset.

Learned Helplessness

Learned helplessness and its grip can be as confining as any physical restraint, and the psychological implications of learned helplessness can manifest in many forms. 

There’s a silver lining when it comes to learned helplessness! 

If you’re even remotely feeling stuck or feel that achieving your goals seems impossible, there’s still hope. 


Because you’re here, listening to this! Your presence on this mental health channel means a part of you believes in change and growth. 

It’s like the little spark that says, “Maybe, just maybe, things can be better.”

Do I Have Learned Helplessness?

Are you experiencing learned helplessness? 

If you hesitate to ask for help, thinking nothing can change, or if you’re quick to surrender when things get tough, these are clues. 

You may be grappling with motivation or postponing tasks due to a sneaky belief that it won’t matter. 

Unsurprisingly, such thoughts could lead to feelings of low self-worth or anxiety.

Overcoming Learned Helplessness

So, where did this whole “learned helplessness” concept come from? 

The credit goes to the brilliant psychologist Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology.

Diving into his work is like a treasure trove of insights. 

A fascinating (and heart-wrenching) study he referred to involved young elephants. 

No matter how hard they tried, they’d be tied to a metal stake they couldn’t escape from. 

Over time, they’d give up. As adults, even when they could easily break free, they wouldn’t even try, believing escape was impossible.

It paints a vivid picture of how such a mindset develops, right? 

But remember, it’s not the end of the story for you or the elephants. 

There’s always room for change and growth. 

Embracing Optimism: Breaking Free from Learned Helplessness

Switching our perspective, let’s dive into our personal histories. 

Ever felt trapped, like you couldn’t change? 

Children who grow up in very controlling environments often feel this way, carrying those feelings into adulthood. 

If you felt caged as a child, unable to explore and learn on your own, you might have grown up with a mindset of feeling helpless.

Martin Seligman proposed a remedy for this trapped feeling, and it’s called “learned optimism,” which acts as an antidote to our feelings of helplessness. 

The concept revolves around the focus on control. Some people, often those who feel helpless, believe their life’s events are beyond their control. 

On the flip side, those with an internal focus of control, the optimistic bunch, feel they can influence their own outcomes.

So, how do we shift from a mindset of confinement to one of control? Seligman breaks it down with the ‘Three P’s’:

  1. Permanence: Optimistic folks believe challenges are temporary. They live by the “this too shall pass” mantra, embracing life’s highs and lows.
  2. Prevalence: While some might see one setback as a reflection of their entire life, optimists understand that one hurdle doesn’t define the whole race. They cherish small wins and let positive experiences color other areas of their lives.
  3. Personalization: It’s about taking ownership. Instead of attributing failures to their worth, optimists see them as learning curves. They also give themselves due credit for successes rather than attributing it to mere luck.

By focusing on these three Ps, you can shift towards a more positive mindset. 

Practicing these three principles, we develop a positive outlook and embrace and celebrate ourselves. 

You’ll see you’re not tied down anymore and can explore life’s opportunities.

Want some guidance on learning to think positively and increase your self-acceptance?

I invite you to join my Power of Positive Thinking transformational course.

My primary goal in my transformational courses is to guide you in altering your outlook on life. 

You’ll acquire essential skills to build and nurture a positive mindset and elevate your happiness by joining us. 

The journey doesn’t stop there; the course’s ultimate objective is to equip you with lifelong learning and growth tools.

I’m passionate about helping you harness your potential by transforming your self-perception. 

But it all starts with you!

Join me at positivethinking.store today and start your journey. 

Before you go, please share a personal win, big or small. 

Recognizing our achievements fosters a positive mindset, and we’d love to celebrate with you! 

Stay optimistic, and I’ll see you next time!

Stay Positive, Friends!

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