5 Ways Stop Worrying About Being Judged

stop worrying about being judged by others

Are you worrying about other people judging you? Do you wish you could finally stop caring about what others think?

Do you want to share who you are, your success, and your struggles without criticism?

It takes some work to get to this point and stop worrying and caring what others think about you, and I’m going to give you five ways to get over your fear.

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The advice is from personal experiences and what I’ve learned through coaching.

Worrying about what others are thinking, worrying about being judged by others, sucks.  

This fear is unproductive and holds you back, and can be paralyzing.

You may not want others to perceive you in a certain way, so you don’t take risks that you want to take.  

You don’t put yourself out there and miss opportunities because of it.

This fear of worrying about being judged hinders you from pursuing your dreams and stops you from expressing your true self, and stands in the way of the life you so badly want to create.

So how do you stop worrying about being judged?

To help you move past this fear, I’ve put together this list that’s helped me and when you begin worrying about other people’s opinions, come back to this list so your fear doesn’t get the best of you.

What Are You Struggling With?

First on this list is to start looking inside yourself and think about what you’re struggling with.

What things do you think about, worry about, stress about that someone could judge you for?  

What’s that thing that someone else could have that opinion about you that you don’t want them to have?

What are certain parts about you that you could care less about what other people think about you?

The things you could care less about because you’re confident and comfortable about don’t occur to you that someone could judge you.

The judgment we fear from others are things we’re struggling with already within ourselves.

The idea of who you are, your self-concept.

If you’re smart, a good person, attractive, you don’t worry about people judging you on these things because you’re confident in these areas.

If you don’t feel confident, successful, or being capable of something, you worry about being judged by others.

It has nothing to do with anyone else, and it has to do with us, with how we think of ourselves that’s causing our fear of judgment.

What Can You Do About Fear Of Judgment?

Begin with healing and dealing with your insecurities. Slowly build up your self-esteem and gain confidence in yourself and your abilities.

You could begin raising your confidence by taking my self-esteem course, link in the description. Shameless plug, I know.

Stop judging yourself and focus outward on other people in positive ways and away from your inner critic.

If you’re a person who thinks you have to be perfect, realize perfectionism is unrealistic. No one is perfect.

Love and accept yourself for who you are right now in the present moment.

If you try to be perfect, you’ll always worry about what other people will think because you’re trying to be someone you’re not.

We try to get others to see us in a certain way to feel okay. We lose our sense of self-worth because of this.

Again, we need to work on cleaning up our relationships with ourselves, learning to love ourselves for who we are, and knowing we have room to grow.

When you approve of yourself, you stop worrying about other people’s opinions.

Find People Who Love And Support You

The second is to find people who love and support you. 

There will always be people who like to hate and judge, and no matter how you treat them, you won’t stop them from judging you.

Don’t be affected by these people, do something more meaningful with your time.

If a person doesn’t like you, they still won’t like you even if you try to be liked by them.

Instead, focus your efforts, time, and energy on people who love you.  

People who are uplifting, positive, and happy because these people won’t talk negatively behind your back.

Find the right people who love and accept you and stay true to yourself.

Stop Judging Others

The third is to stop judging others. The more we judge other people, the more we think they judge us.

Instead of judging others for their views, the way they dress, their character or choices, or something else, ask yourself what you can learn from them.

Maybe there’s a reason for how they dress or act the way they do, and you could learn a lot about them.

I like a quote about judging by Wayne Dyer: “When you judge another, you don’t define them, you define yourself.”

Make Yourself A Priority

The fourth one on this list is to make yourself a priority and don’t let someone else’s judgment cloud your perception of yourself.

Doing this gives them a priority and gives them power in your life.

You know yourself better than anyone, and you have to trust yourself and your abilities.

Take some time to think about all the good things. Get a journal and write the good stuff down about yourself.

Take it a step further and in your journal, write all the things you’re grateful for in your life. 

Find the time, every day, either when you get up or before you go to bed, write down all the good things that happened that day and be grateful.

Accept Judgement And Focus On Long-Term Happiness

Fifth on our list is to learn to accept the judgment and focus on your long-term happiness.

Accept that people will judge and criticize you, and yes, it can hurt. 

But that hurt won’t hurt as much as you regretting that you didn’t live the life that was true to yourself. 

You didn’t dare to be yourself and lived the life you thought others expected of you.

Accept any judgment in the short term and focus on your long-term happiness. 

Live the life that is true to yourself and not the life others may expect of you.

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