Improve Your Mental Health By Tidying Up Your Kitchen

We all live different lifestyles, and each one of us keeps their home and kitchen, either tidy or messy. I prefer to keep things clean and organized and put items in their respective place.

Your life demands are different than mine, and what makes sense to me may not make sense to you.

I recently read “the life-changing magic of tidying up” and have watched the TV series “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo.”

Maybe some of you have heard of her. 

She’s an author of 2 bestselling books and helps “spark joy” in my life by straightening up my home. Seeing my house clean and tidy, makes me happy and improves my mental health.

I’ve gone through several rooms so far, following her methods. My latest project is cleaning up my kitchen by using these tips.

Tidy your kitchen and improve your mental health

Here are 10 of her tips:

  1. Go through your cookbooks and get rid of the ones you don’t use
  2. Consolidate your consumables, like plastic bags into one container
  3. Use dividers in your drawers to store and organize your cutlery
  4. Plan your kitchen for ease of cleaning
  5. Only keep the dishes that you will use and “spark joy.”
  6. Transfer your soap into a bottle with no labels to avoid the visual noise
  7. Keep your countertops clear and empty
  8. Get rid of appliances you won’t ever use again
  9. Fold your towels neatly. Try folding them using the KonMarie method
  10. Make your kitchen a happy place, sparking joy. You don’t have to aim for simplicity.

My Kitchen

My kitchen is still a work in progress, and I want to make the room not only beautiful, a place I want to cook in, but also user-friendly.  

Most of my kitchen utensils, glassware, linens, and utensils are old and not in good shape anymore. I happened to come across a blog post all about kitchen essentials, and it got me thinking it’s time to replace some of these items.

This post got me excited and thinking about the possibilities of my kitchen. The new cooking tools, bake-ware and new appliances.

While I’ll still follow Marie Kondo’s advice on keeping things tidy, I realized, I need to go shopping!

I host dinner parties a lot, as spending time with my friends and seeing them enjoy a good dinner makes me happy.  

Buying some new roasting pans and stock pots will make things easier on me.

Now, tidying your kitchen may make you uneasy. Throwing things out may make you sad or depressed. 

Think of the new fun things you might find.

Who knows, maybe you’ll find some new treasures while you’re shopping for your kitchen.  

Make it a fun adventure and turn your kitchen into a place you want to cook and enjoy yourself.

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